Sharda World School

Admission Open 2025-26 Nursery to Class 9th & 11th

Sharda World School

Boarding Rules

Fostering a Responsible Community

General Rules

  • No food items are allowed in the boarding house.
  • Parents are not allowed after 5 p.m. inside the boarding house and the campus.
  • Students will be allowed to make calls on Saturday from 12 pm to 01 pm only.
  • Providing money to the child is strictly prohibited.
  • Parents need to take prior permission from the boarding house in charge to meet their child.
  • Costly items are not allowed inside the campus. If found those will be confiscated and returned on the last day of that term.
  • Parents are requested to come and meet the child on the third Sundays
  • An amount (as per the fee schedule) will be taken as Imprest. All expenses done by your child will be deducted from the imprest amount.
  • A medical history of the child is to be produced before the boarding house parent.
  • If the child is found damaging any school property, then the child sanctions will be imposed by the disciplinary committee of the school/boarding house. The disciplinary action will be based on the level of the offense.

Rules for Room

  • Each student will be provided one bed, one mattress, one-bed cover, one pillow and one cupboard.
  • Children are responsible for keeping their belongings safe.
  • Students should keep their beds and cupboards neat and clean.
  • On regular inspection if any prohibited article is found in their cupboard like money, valuables, etc. they will be confiscated and disciplinary action will be taken against the student.
  • Students should try and converse in English on a regular basis.
  • The students should obey their boarding house Parent and must take his/her permission before moving out of the boarding house premises.
  • The students should not enter other Rooms without the permission of the boarding house parent.
  • The students are strictly prohibited to enter in a physical brawl or even touch any other student under any circumstances.

Do’s and Don’ts


  • Respond to the wake-up call
  • Bathe regularly
  • Polish your shoes regularly
  • Arrange your bag and study materials before breakfast
  • Do the homework regularly
  • Must switch off your lights/fans when you are leaving the room
  • Go to the dining/study hall in line
  • Maintain the queue in the dining hall
  • Wash your hands before dining
  • Check your face and dress before leaving the room
  • Be helpful to others (boarding house mates)
  • Be sincere in your studies
  • Be punctual and disciplined in boarding house timing


  • Don’t miss your meals
  • Don’t enter the kitchen
  • Don’t waste food
  • Don’t miss the study time
  • Don’t waste study time
  • Don’t talk in study hall
  • Don’t sleep in the study hall
  • Don’t ask for phone calls frequently
  • Don’t make noise in the room
  • Don’t play inside the room/dining hall/study hall
  • Don’t tease others
  • Don’t quarrel with anyone
  • Don’t waste water (hot/cold)
  • Don’t use others' belongings without their permission

Letter for parents

Dear Parents,

You are requested to abide by the following rules and regulations of school for smooth functioning of boarding and nurturing the ability of your child in all the way of education.

  1. Parents are hereby advised to try to make phone calls and interact with their wards on scheduled days and times. The duration of the phone call should not exceed 5 minutes.
  2. You are advised to avoid making phone calls and interacting with your child during the examination and school activities time.
  3. Parents can take their child home only on long breaks.
  4. If the school closes for 3 - 5 days continuously or more and telephonic or digital (email, Parents corner, SMS) information is given by the school, then only parents should come on the last day of school and take the child)
  5. Parents are hereby advised that their child must report on the given date prior to school opening/reopening between 8.00 am to 5 pm after leave/holiday/vacation. In case of delay without reason, sanctions will be imposed on the next outings.
  6. No leave can be granted to the boarders to go home and attend function during school days.
  7. Leave can be granted on the basis of serious illness, sad moments and marriage of real brother/Sister only.
  8. Parents are advised not to apply for leave during the test or examination and school activities because it is not in the best interest of child.
  9. Parents make sure that for any absence from the school, written information should be sent to the head of the institution. Sanctions will be imposed on absence without reason and permission.
  10. Parents can communicate with the head of the institution or office to know the progress of their child or in case of an emergency. Parents must deposit medical records of the child or any information regarding medical. It is a must for the proper medical care of your child.
  11. Parents are advised to inculcate reading habits during holidays/vacations and motivate the child to abide rules and regulations of school.
  12. Parents are hereby advised that pre-information should be given to the head of the institution/Office before coming to the school for any reason.
  13. Parents are advised not to give their children expensive items.
  14. Parents will not send anything to their ward through day boarders or by bus drivers.
  15. Parents are advised to clear the school/Boarding dues well in time.
  16. English speaking is a must for all the students on the school campus.
  17. Students will be punished or imposed a fine if found reluctant to speak English.

Rules for Dining Hall

  • Boarding house children will enter the Dining Hall in proper dress and behave in a disciplined and orderly manner.
  • Children will only sit at their allotted tables.
  • Each boarding house will begin their meal after a prayer.
  • Children are expected to respect table manners while eating:
    • Chew with your mouth closed.
    • Hold utensils correctly.
    • Wash up and come to the table clean. Do not groom or attend to hygiene at the table.
    • Remember to use your napkin.
    • Wait until you're done chewing to sip or swallow a drink.
    • Pace yourself with fellow diners. Cut only one piece of food at a time.
    • Avoid slouching and do not place your elbows on the table while eating (though it is okay to prop your elbows on the table while conversing between courses).
    • Instead of reaching across the table for something, ask for it to be passed to you.
    • Bring your best self to the meal. Take part in the dinner conversation.
  • Chairs must be put back neatly after the meal is over.

Guidelines for Parental Visits and Interaction

Dear Parents,

  1. You are requested not to visit your child very frequently as it makes them homesick and disturbs their studies. The performance of students going out to their local guardians on weekends suffers significantly. Hence, you are requested not to request weekend outings.
  2. Local guardians cannot meet the child unless they provide suitable proof of guardianship. They will be turned back if the school authority is not convinced of their identity.
  3. Parents may take their child on an outing on the 3rd Sunday of the month between 09:45 a.m. and 05:30 p.m. with prior permission from the Boarding House Parent. (Will be given or not need discussion)
  4. You are requested to enter your name, address, date, and time in the Visitors’ Notebook. If you wish to take your child for an outing, this must also be entered in the Outing Register.
  5. Parents/Guardians will meet their child at the reception in the Boarding House. They are not allowed to go inside any room.
  6. Parents are advised not to enter the classroom, mess, or boarding house to meet their children or teachers during school hours without prior permission from the head of the institution.
  7. Outstation parents will need special permission from the Principal through the Boarding House Parent to see their wards on days other than those specified for visiting. No parent will be allowed inside the school boarding house or the school premises after 5:00 p.m. without prior permission from the Principal in writing. Parents are requested to abide by the school/boarding house rules for the smooth functioning of the school/boarding house and to avoid inconvenience and embarrassment at the gate.
  8. Parents are requested to kindly cooperate with the Management and not insist on getting entry to the school or the boarding house on days other than the specified visiting days.

Required Certificates and Documentation for Boarding

  • A certificate certifying that no cash or costly belongings are in possession of the child.
  • A list of clothing and other items deposited with the child.
  • A certificate regarding items received from the school.
  • A health certificate detailing medical history, duly signed by the parents and the concerned Boarding House Parent.
  • A certificate authorizing the school to make arrangements for school activities such as excursions, computers, music, dance, etc.
  • An indemnity certificate for the school against any danger, sickness, accident, or death caused during the normal functioning of usual activities.
  • An authority letter from the parent indicating the names, addresses, photographs, and telephone numbers of two persons who would act as local guardians.
  • Parents are required to provide their telephone numbers and addresses for immediate contact in case of any emergency.
  • Boarding House requirements of school uniforms to be provided by the parents.
  • A medical certificate from a registered medical practitioner (minimum qualification: MBBS) certifying that the child is medically fit.

Library Access Rules

The school library will remain open for boarding house students on holidays and Saturdays between 9:00 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Boarding house students using the library facilities should not bring any periodicals, newspapers, magazines, or books inside the library. Borrowing books will also not be allowed on these days. Students can only read periodicals or do reference work in the library during these times.

Boarding House Committee Roles and Responsibilities

A committee of boarders will be formed with the following members:

  • Home Minister: The Home Minister will oversee all boarding house activities and will be the head of the group. This position will be appointed on a term basis. The Home Minister will also serve as the boarding house captain, overseeing the morning and evening roll call along with the Teacher in charge, and will stand at the helm of students.
  • Block In Charge: Each block will have a Block In Charge on a bi-monthly rotation basis, responsible for maintaining cleanliness and discipline in each block. The Block In Charge will ensure that fans and lights are switched off.
  • Bell In Charge: The Bell In Charge will be appointed on a monthly rotation basis, responsible for giving wake-up calls to every dormitory.
  • The best Block In Charge and Bell In Charge will be rewarded at the end of the session.

Study Time/ Prep Time

  • Evening classes will be held under the strict supervision of teachers or boarding house parents.
  • Evening study time will not be treated as a form of tuition, remedial, or coaching classes.
  • If a student requires any personal attention or doubt-clearing session, it is up to the teacher and student to arrange it. The boarding house parent can personally request and make arrangements.
  • Strict discipline will be maintained during prep time, and parents are requested not to contact anyone from the boarding house during this period.

Study Hall Rules

  • All books, school bags, study accessories, etc. must be in the study hall when study commences. No one may walk around or borrow books, etc. from other learners.
  • Study hall teachers are not to release a student to another teacher or area unless that student has a legal pass signed by a teacher. A study hall sign-out list should be maintained, indicating the whereabouts of all assigned students.
  • Teachers are asked to supervise study classes in a manner that creates an atmosphere in which work may be accomplished.
  • Study halls are to be reasonably quiet and orderly. Do not allow study hall to become a "social hour."
  • The reading of comic books, card playing, backgammon, etc. is not permitted inside the study hall during the prep timings.
  • All study hall teachers are expected to follow up on students' whereabouts during a study period and, where necessary, file appropriate disciplinary referrals with the in- charge.
  • All study hall teachers are expected to submit the progress report of students under supervision on a daily basis.
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Sharda World School

19 Km Mile Stone, Agra-Delhi
Highway, NH-19, Keetham,
Agra (UP) – 282007,

+91-9012 759 999, +91-9258 10 4149

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