Sharda World School recently celebrated Varsha Mangal, a traditional Indian festival marking the joy and significance of the monsoon season. The event saw enthusiastic participation from students across all grades, with a variety of engaging and educational activities designed to highlight the importance of rain in our lives.

The youngest learners enjoyed storytelling sessions featuring captivating monsoon tales and sang delightful rain songs like "Rain, Rain, Go Away." Art and craft activities included creating rain collages and making paper boats.


Junior classes were introduced to the significance of Varsha Mangal through visual aids and discussions. They expressed their creativity by crafting rainy season scenes with blue paper, cotton balls, and crayons. The activity concluded with a sharing session where students discussed their favourite parts of the celebration.


Senior students explored the cultural significance of Varsha Mangal through a detailed introduction. In small groups, they created vibrant collages and charts depicting various aspects of the monsoon season, including rain, crops, and traditional dances.


The Varsha Mangal celebrations at Sharda World School not only provided a platform for students to learn about and appreciate the rainy season but also encouraged creativity, teamwork, and environmental consciousness.